Can you get Boba Fett in Star Wars Hunter?

Can you get Boba Fett in Star Wars Hunter?
Rory Greig Updated on by

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Star Wars Hunters has launched with a raft of exciting and never-before-seen characters. While this is great, it’s not surprising that many players and Star Wars fans want to see their favourite characters from the films included in the game, perhaps chief among them is Boba Fett.

Not only is Boba Fett an immensely popular character from the galaxy far far away, but he also jumps to the mind after playing Star Wars Hunters for just how useful his abilities would be in-game. With multiple levels on each map, a jetpack sure would come in handy. Despite this, however, you are not able to play as Boba Fett in the game, nor are you able to play as any other of the classic Star Wars characters.

Unfortunately Boba Fett is not in the character line up. Image captured by VideoGamer

Will Boba Fett come to Star Wars: Hunters?

The bad news for Fett fans is that not only are you unable to play as the bounty hunter but it is unlikely that you will ever be able to do so. The developers of the game stated in an interview with the RadioTimes that while they can understand the desire to play as a beloved character, including them is not in keeping with their desires for the game.

Instead, they have created a whole range of characters brand new to the Star Wars universe. Each one has been developed and placed precisely and thoughtfully within the Star Wars universe. The care and attention put into their backstories is admirable but also a must, seeing as the game and its contents are officially canon.

This fact goes some way to explaining why the classic and most well-loved characters don’t show up. As the game’s story is canon, there would have to be a good reason for the likes of Luke Skywalker or Mace Windu to be getting involved in the broils and, given the implied time setting that the game takes place in, this just isn’t feasible.

That said, the team behind Hunters does pay homage to these well-loved characters through costumes and they have some tongue-in-cheek stickers such as one of Luke drinking blue milk.