FC 24 – How to score free kicks

FC 24 – How to score free kicks
Matt Francis Updated on by

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Need to learn how to score free kicks in FC 24? FC 24 is finally in our hands and we’re more excited than ever to share the highs and lows of this brand new era for football gaming.

There have been some huge changes made across the board in this year’s game, but some basic functions remain the same, and continue to be just as important as ever. 

Free kicks are a perfect example of this, with FC 24 players needing to master the set piece before they can increase their overall level. 

We’re here to help guide you the best we can and let you know the best ways to score free kicks in FC 24. Before that though, make sure to check out our FC 24 review for our take on this year’s offering. 

How to score free kicks in FC 24

Free kicks have always been a challenge in football games and FC 24 is no different. The skill ceiling is high, but the rewards are huge once you get to grips with EA’s latest changes. 

It’s important to remember when taking any free kick that you need to select a player with high free kick accuracy and, ideally, high power. Make sure you know the FC 24 best free kick takers.

You can quickly view your free kick taker stats by holding down RT (Xbox) or R2 (PlayStation) when you’re standing over the ball. 

Helpfully, EA’s newest free kick system gives you some helpful guides when taking a free kick. You can now map out the ball’s trajectory using the faint white line that appears on screen. 

You can also change where you strike the ball using the left stick, meaning you can attempt a host of different strikes. 

We’d recommend sticking to a classic inside-foot strike or attempting an outside-the-foot strike, both of which player into the hands of players with both power and high free-kick accuracy stats. 

You can also bring more players around the ball. Having up to three players around the ball provides you with more options, and can confuse your opponent.

How to add players around the ball:

  • LT/L2 – Second man
  • RB/R1 – Third man

Practice makes perfect

In order to perfect your free-kick skills in FC 24, we would highly recommend heading into the arena and trying out different scenarios in order to best understand how the function works.

Power is the key element of any free kick strike and you will need to adjust accordingly depending on your distance from goal. 

Finding the perfect balance of power and placement is a challenge, but using the faint line on screen to map the ball’s path is a clever way to see whether your strike is on target, destined to hit the wall, or set to fly over. 

Either way, practice makes perfect in the case of free kicks in FC 24 and it will take some time to nail down the technique. 

We’d always recommend putting players like Messi or James Ward-Prowse on set pieces duties as they will highly increase your chances of finding the back of the net from a dead ball situation.

Tips from the pros

For a full free kick tutorial, check out the video from TFVGaming below. This will outline how to make the most of your classic inside of the foot strikes, and the more spectacular outside of the foot hits.

The ‘knuckleball’ text may have been removed from the game, but you can still get wobble on the ball. This is a bit more random, but can be even more outrageous when it works.

You don’t always have to shoot either. Whether you want to loft a ball into the box or try something intricate, it’s worth checking out your options in the video below.