NBA 2K24 – How to change camera

NBA 2K24 – How to change camera
Olivier Dumont Updated on by

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How can you change your camera in NBA 2K24? With NBA 2K24 now out and available for everyone to play, many fans in the community are already knee-deep into all the new modes and features the game has to offer. And as more and more fans continue to immerse themselves into the new gameplay, some might quickly realise that the camera view they’re playing on isn’t what they want or doesn’t allow them to play at their best.

Along with the new gameplay and ProPLAY features players have at their disposal, is also that of the new player ratings, including the best rookies. And as fans start to play games with some of their favorite players in NBA 2K24, making sure the camera view is at the best possible angle for their style is important to set and square away. Should you be wondering how to change the camera view in NBA 2K24, we cover all you need to know down below.

NBA 2K24 Mamba Moments

How to change camera view in NBA 2K24?

For those that are wondering how you can change your camera angle in NBA 2K24, the most important step to keep in mind is that you can only do so from the pause menu in-game. So if you’re scrambling around the setting menu at the home page searching for how to change your camera angle, you won’t find it there.

Once you’re in your game and ready to play, take a moment to pause it and scroll down the menu towards the ‘Camera Options’ tab. Upon entering it, you will be able to select the type of you camera view you want and will have the choice to alter the height, key zoom, rev angle, auto flip, and more.

If you’re just after the view itself, the options will be first on the ‘Camera Options’ menu list and come baring several different angles to pick from. If you’re new to NBA 2K24 and are looking for a fun, engaging camera option to succeed with, we’ve provided our expert insight down below on some of the settings we recommend you opt for when fixing up your camera view.

Camera OptionsSetting
Auto FlipOn

The 2K view is one of the most popular among the community and allows you to see the court very well on both sides of the ball. Though we have both the zoom and height both on high settings, it does grant you the best overall view while also granting you the best immersive experience considering how close you can see the players and feel the gameplay.

To redeem in-game content, see the NBA 2K24 locker codes and how to redeem them.

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