Most Expensive Pokemon 151 cards – the top 10 cards ranked

Most Expensive Pokemon 151 cards – the top 10 cards ranked
Alan Gadbois Updated on by

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The release of Pokemon 151 is upon us, and as such, pre-sales for sealed product and cards are already happening. While the prices themselves can swing a bit after launch, the presale prices can be a good indication of how expensive some of these cards will end up being. That being said, we’re going to look at the top 10 most expensive Pokemon 151 cards.

If you’re looking to see what is coming in the set in its entirety, check out our guide for the Pokemon 151 set list. Also be sure to check out our guide on the Pokemon TCG Classic set that’s coming out soon. It’s a really great collectors item that celebrates the original base set of Pokemon. With that, let’s get into our list.

10. Pikachu – Illustration Rare

Picture of Pikachu Illustration Rare from Pokemon 151

The tenth most expensive Pokemon 151 card at the moment is the Pikachu Illustration Rare. As we’re going to see with a lot of the cards on this list, the illustration rare treatments are going to command a pretty high price tag. That being said, this Pikachu has some very cute artwork, though it’s not very good. The Raichu that we’re getting in 151 isn’t too bad, but it’s probably not making waves. That being said, Pikachu probably isn’t seeing too much play. The price on this one comes in around $27.50 presale.

9. Tangela – Illustration Rare

Picture of Tangela Illustration Rare from Pokemon 151

Next up we have the Illustration rare version of Tangela. This Pokemon is a simple basic Pokemon, and its move is pretty alright. For one grass energy, it can only deals 10 damage, but if you played Erika’s invitation during the turn, it does 70 damage. All in all, it’s not very impressive, but it’s alright for a basic.

But once again, the price on this card is around $30, and that’s because it is a special illustration rare. The artwork is adorable, and that usually drives the price up.

8. Mew EX

Picture of Mew EX from Pokemon 151

Our number 8 most expensive Pokemon 151 card is Mew Ex. This is one of the few cards on this list that isn’t expensive because it has a special artwork. This card is actually very strong. For one, it lets you draw up to three cards in hand every turn. Secondly, it is a fantastic Pokemon to swap into to take down an opponent’s Pokemon that’s causing you problems. Its main move will copy one of the moves of your opponent’s Pokemon and will use that move for the attack.

We’ve seen this card show up in a couple of decks from the Champions League Yokohoma, as this set has released in Japan already. This is going for around $36 for presale.

7. Charmander – Illusration Rare

Picture of Charmander Illustration Rare from Pokemon 151

Next up, we have the Illustration Rare for Charmander. Now, yes the illusration rare is what’s driving the price of this card up, but this is a solid card to play anyways. First, it’s first move can discard a stadium in play, which can be very useful to you. On top of that, Charizard just got an EX from Obsidian Flames, and from 151, and both are very good. That being said, the art on this Charmander is adorable. The market price on this is about $37.

6. Ivysaur – Illustration Rare

Picture of Ivysaur Illustration Rare from Pokemon 151

Number six on our list of most expensive Pokemon 151 cards is the Illustration Rare Ivysaur. This card isn’t anything special in terms of power, but the art is pretty great. That being said, it is a part of the Venusaur EX evolutionary line from this set, and that is a very good card. Its price once again is mostly driven by the art, but there’s a chance that this gets played in decks with Venusaur EX. The price on this one is around $39.

5. Charizard EX

Picture of Charizard EX from Pokemon 151

Another card that’s expensive for its effects over its art is the Charizard EX. This is a very powerful card in that it has a lot of health, and dishes out a ton of damage. 330 damage can knock out basically any Pokemon in single attack. Considering how much energy mobility that is in Standard, I expect that this card is going to see a lot of play. This card is going for about $44 on presale, and for good reason.

4. Mew EX – Ultra Rare

Picture of Mew EX Ultra Rare from Pokemon 151

Next up, we have the Mew EX but this time in Ultra Rare. All the same reasons we stated above for the regular Mew EX holds true here, but this one is expensive because of the alternate art rarity. The price on this one comes in at a hefty $58 on presale.

3. Venusaur EX – Special Illustration Rare

Picture of Venusaur EX Special Illustration Rare from Pokemon 151

Number three on our most expensive Pokemon 151 cards list is the Special Illustration Rare version of Venusaur EX. This card is a two for one in value, as the special artwork for this is fantastic. On top of that, this card is quite good. It has a lot of health, it heals, and it can dish out some pretty solid damage. On top of that it puts two status conditions on your opponent’s Pokemon, poison and confusion. Given how rare these special illustration rares are, it makes sense that the price is high at around $60.

2. Erika’s Invitation – Special Illustration Rare

Picture of Erkia's Invitation Special Illustration Rare from Pokemon 151

Our silver medal for the most expensive Pokemon 151 cards goes to the Special Illustration Rare of Erika’s Invitation. In the past, the special versions of trainers are some of the most expensive cards that exist in the set, and this is no exception. Not to mention, this card is actually very strong. It lets you put a basic from your opponent’s hand onto the bench, and then switch it into the active slot. This can let you set up for a quick OHKO and prize, especially in the face of a heavy hitting Pokemon. The price on this one comes in at around $68 presale.

1. Erika’s Invitation – Ultra Rare

Picture of Erkia's Invitation Ultra Rare from Pokemon 151

The final card on the list is another version of the last card, Erika’s Invitation, but this time the Ultra Rare version. There’s not much to say about this one that hasn’t already been said, but this card goes for a whoopng $75 presale.

And that’s our list for the most expensive Pokemon 151 cards! Once again, this price of these cards will surly change, but this gives you an idea about what everyone is excited about. If you’re open a bunch of these packs and end up wanting to get them online as well, check out our guide on how to redeem Pokemon TCG codes. Also be sure to check out our best Pokemon TCG decks guide for a breakdown of the meta.