Best Supervive beginner tips and tricks – our 10 tips to win more matches

Best Supervive beginner tips and tricks – our 10 tips to win more matches
Miljan Truc Updated on by

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Supervive is a MOBA-like battle royale by Theorycraft Games, currently in alpha testing. While there’s still a lot of testing and tinkering to be done with the game, players have taken to the new game with gusto, us at VideoGamer included. This led us to compile our experiences so far into handy beginner tips, so you can get an easier head start.

✓ At a glance

Keep these 10 tips in mind to have a better chance at winning in Supervive:

  • Always explore together with your team.
  • Watch out for the storm and remain in the safe area.
  • Look for skill combo opportunities with your teammates.
  • Don’t forget to buy and upgrade your skills.
  • Upgrade your equipped items.
  • Set up ambushes for your enemies and scout ahead so you’re not caught in one.
  • Farm mob camps for XP and farm them again when they respawn.
  • Use your consumables – there’s no point in keeping them for later.
  • Always look for opportunities to take down enemies gliding over chasms.
  • Never stay idle, keep moving and increasing your power.

Top 10 Supervive beginner tips

There is still much to discover in a brand-new game. But if you’re just starting out, let our tips help you make an impact from your first match.

Image of a duo of players exploring in Supervive.
Even in Duos, it’s best to stay together. Captured by VideoGamer

1. Explore together as a team

No matter which game mode you play, always try to stick together with your team and move as one unit. As the old adage goes, you’re stronger together and easier to defeat apart. This goes for mob camps, but especially for encounters with other teams. If a team fight is happening, you have to be there and support your teammates, otherwise, you’ll be picked apart one by one and quickly booted out of the match.

Image of a pair of players under the storm debuff in Supervive.
The storm’s debuff becomes nastier the longer you stay in it. Captured by VideoGamer

2. Watch for the storm

Getting caught as the storm expands and clear areas shrink is less lethal in Supervive than in some other battle royales. But it’s no less debilitating. If you’re caught in the range of the storm, you’ll lose the ability to heal – and this includes potions as well! Moreover, you’ll start taking ticking damage. Last but not least, escaping out of the storm puts you in a bad position if you encounter another team, so prevention is the best medicine in this case.

3. Combo your abilities with your teammates

This concept will be well known to anyone who’s played MOBA games before. Many hero abilities can be comboed to devastating effect. For example, if you have a knockback ability and your ally tosses a timed AoE, you can knock the enemy right into it to deal extra damage. Similarly, one can stun the enemy while the other knocks them into a chasm. As we learn more about the game and its characters, we’re certain that many more combos will become apparent. Always look for opportunities to utilize them.

4. Buy and upgrade your skills as you level up

While this may seem obvious, with the chaos happening on the screen, it’s easy to overlook this point. The game doesn’t really give you a good indication that you’re lacking some of your skills and abilities. Check the bottom of your screen and if there’s an arrow above a skill, that means you can buy or upgrade it. This will enable it if you’re buying it, or improve its stats in case you’re going for an upgrade.

5. Upgrade your equipment’s rarity

Any piece of equipment that you pick up can be upgraded to improve its stats. You will see this as a plus sign next to that gear piece if you encounter it on the ground (from a mob or another player). All you have to do is run over it, and it will automatically merge to increase its rarity. That way, you can keep improving your key gear, getting more and more of its stats with each upgrade.

Image of a teamfight in Supervive between surviving players, with one player spectating.
It can be tough to recover after getting caught in an ambush. Captured by VideoGamer

6. Watch out for ambushes and set up your own

One of the best ways to engage an enemy team is by setting up an ambush. Supervive has a crouch mechanic that makes it more difficult to see or hear you. Combine this with setting up inside bushes and your team can spring on unassuming foes. Conversely, enemy teams can do the same to you. Use detection abilities to scout out bushes and keep someone on the lookout behind your team. Always be aware that turning a sharp corner can result in an encounter with the enemy team, due to how line of sight works in this game.

Image of the player fighting a camp of mobs in Supervive.
Mob camps are a great source of XP and equipment at all stages of the game. Captured by VideoGamer

7. Farm mob camps when they respawn

Farming mob camps is a safe way to get early levels and equipment. Even further into the game, getting those kills can help you get closer to those all-important upgrades. What you may not know is that the mob camps you’ve already destroyed will respawn each morning. Supervive has a day-night cycle, and each morning defeated mobs will respawn in their usual locations. So if you defeat a camp during the night, it’s a good idea to hang around close by and repeat in the morning, essentially doubling up on your rewards.

Image of the player in Supervive using the Wall consumable to cordon off a part of the map.
Use the wall consumable to set up barricades on the map. Captured by VideoGamer.

8. Don’t save consumables for later

This is an old bad habit that most of us are guilty of. Why use something when it may be more useful later? Well, in Supervive matches tend to be pretty quick. So any consumable items that you pick up will go to waste unless you use them. From simple ones like health potions to buildable walls, scouting beacons, fireworks, and more – each one of them can be put to better use than sitting in your backpack. If a situation calls for it, don’t hesitate to deploy the item. Chances are, if you survive long enough, you’ll find replacements or even completely different items to use all over again.

9. Shoot down gliders over chasms

We can’t overstate the importance of this tip. If you catch an enemy gliding over a chasm, shoot them down. This will cause them to fall to their demise instantly, saving you time and effort to fight them in a straight encounter. Their resurrection orb will appear at the closest ledge, so their allies can still bring them back. You can always camp that spot and wait to ambush them. With luck, they could be trying to glide over that same chasm, giving you more free kills.

Image of a team in Supervive finding a quest item consumable on the map.
Always moving across the map can yield some interesting discoveries. Captured by VideoGamer

10. Always keep moving

Last but not least, you and your team should always be moving around the map. Look for enemies, mob camps to farm, locked equipment and item chests, and more. Simply put, don’t stay idle for too long. As previously stated, Supervive matches can be over very quickly, so always look for opportunities to power up your character and your teammates. Otherwise, while you’re idle, the enemy teams are getting stronger. Thus, always keep moving and upgrading for those inevitable clashes when the safe zone shrinks enough to force fights between the surviving teams.