Tarisland’s combo stat and damage calculations explained

Tarisland’s combo stat and damage calculations explained
Craig Robinson Updated on by

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Combo is one of the many stats that players are improving in Tarisland. Quite a lot of the DPS specialisations in Tarisland rely on Combo as their main stat. There are two reasons for this: one is for the core passive talent synergies that often buff your rotation, and two, because spamming lots of buttons allows you to proc extra damage, which is a big DPS swing. Here’s a closer look at how the Combo stat works in Tarisland.

A in-game menu of the character stat screen in Tarisland. Image details the in-game description of the Combo stat and combo stat percentage on my character.
The Combo rating is a stat used to get a proc to hit the target again with the same spell, for slightly weaker damage. Image via VideoGamer / Tarisland.

What is Combo in Tarisland?

Combo is a stat in Tarisland that gives you a percentage chance to trigger an extra hit of your spell at slightly reduced damage. You can tell when you hit a combo, as the damage next to the target you’re hitting will pop up with a crossed sword icon, indicating combo damage procs. You can see an example of combo damage in the image below.

As for the damage Combo deals, it depends on a few different factors:

  • DMG buffs on the target.
  • DMG buffs affecting you.
  • Your ATK value.
  • Combo DMG stat improvements.
  • Core Passive Talents that affect Combo DMG.

For the basics, your DMG buffs applied to targets can affect the DMG your Combo deals. Builds like Cunning Rogue’s 4th skill can leave a 10% damage debuff on the enemy, meaning your combos will deal more damage because of that. Meanwhile, Bard DPS builds get Passionate Play as their 4th skill, which buffs their damage for several seconds, meaning bonus DMG to Combo DMG.

The ATK value of your build, level, and gear also factors into the scaling of your damage from your skills, and therefore affects the lowest possible damage the Combo DMG can deal.

Combo DMG is a stat. All specs like Warrior DPS, Beast Tamer Ranger, Frost Mage, Solo Bard, and Cunning Shadow Swordsman all get Combo DMG buffs at level 40 in their core passive tree. They may also have buffs to Combo DMG from their combo core passive tree too, depending on the wording of the core passive. This can also apply to certain Combo DMG talents you may choose to take too.

In terms of getting more Combo, you can find it on almost all pieces of gear as a random stat bonus roll. You can also get it with yellow gem slots on your weapons and armour, and get Combo via the inscribed Stone tree. Classes where Combo is the main stat will be able to find it in the specialisation nodes too.

A screenshot of Tarisland PvP with Bard DPS gameplay.
You can tell you combo your attacks when you see the double sword icon appear next to the damage numbers. Image via VideoGamer / Tarisland.

Calculating combo damage

From our experience, the Combo DMG is typically in the range of 70-82% of the initial spell cast’s damage. This further improves with Combo DMG improvements via core passives and other triggers.

If you want to test the range of your Combo damage, then check for the combo damage indicator on your rotation. Divide the combo number by the spell damage that you combo with. This should give you a number around 0.7** to 0.8**, indicating the rough 70%-89% range of Combo DMG.

As you can tell, buffing your Combo DMG and Combo rate is very important for classes that focus on that stat as a main stat. This can easily turn your build into a combo machine at high enough stats. The result is that you can essentially mirror your attacks at an almost one-to-one ratio. This is rather significant for the value that Combo builds can do, both in AOE settings and on single-target burst windows.

Read More: Tarisland hit rating explained.