How to get a mount in Tarisland

How to get a mount in Tarisland
Craig Robinson Updated on by

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Tarisland’s mount unlock quest happens fairly early on in the game, with the journey to unlock mounts a very quick process. When you create a character, proceed with the main storyline quest, and by level 8, you’ll have your mount.  Here’s more detail on what to expect.

How to get a mount

To get a mount in Tarisland, players must progress through the main storyline quests on their newly created character. From there, you need to do the following:

  • Complete the Blight Dragon storyline tutorial
  • Wake up two days earlier
  • Go and visit the cow people fighting the Gnolls
  • Continue through the main storyline in the town
  • Get the quest to fly on the mount around the dungeon
  • Complete the tutorial dungeon and reach level 8
  • Unlock the Reputation feature screen, and purchase your rhino for 10 silver

The way to get a mount is fairly early on in your character’s journey. Exclusively focus on your main storyline quests, you’ll naturally work through the game’s tutorial system. When you reach level 6, you shall get a main storyline quest to fly on a mount with your priest and warrior companion, and then do a story dungeon by learning about the dungeon activity screen on your device.

When you complete the story dungeon, you shall arrive at the village, and get an intro on how the reputation feature works. You should first unlock the region’s reputation. From there, purchase the Rhino mount for ten silver. From there, you can summon your mount via the button on your mobile device, or press Z if you play on PC.

When you get on your mount, be aware mounts have special abilities. The Rhino’s is a charge forward move. So remember to use that to get through bulks of enemies or go slightly faster in a straight line. 

With that said, you now know how to get your first mount in Tarisland, More mounts can be unlocked via in-game reputation, store microtransactions, and other in-game events and activities. The next major milestone for your unlocks is your second specialization, which requires another 8 levels of main story progression to unlock.