The First Descendant – Destroy Void Fragments & Collect Void Shards

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  • Void Fragments have elemental types, which can only be destroyed by the same element type.
  • Additional rewards in Void Fragment include Void Shards, which can only be obtained when joining a mission with a Descendant of the same Attribute. Those who are not the same elemental type can still receive the basic rewards like weapons, mods and currencies.
  • Void Shards are an item used for joining Void Fusion Reactor missions. There’s different types of Void Shards, and each operation region tends to drop various types.
  • Each Void Fusion Reactor mission also requires different types and amount to activate.
  • Void Shards can also  be looted from Void Interceptor missions.
  • Rewards for Void Fusion Reactor missions vary according to the World Difficulty and location.

The First Descendant has a few various types of minigames out in the operation maps. One of the strange types of missions out there is the Void Fragments, which require you to use special skill types to activate them. In this guide, we’ll let you know how to destroy Void Fragments in The First Descendant and how collecting Void Shards works.

How to destroy Void Fragments in The First Descendant

As mentioned, each Void Fragment requires a specific type of elemental status effect to defeat. The first one you find on Kingston requires non-attribute. Therefore, Ajax is the best starter character to activate the Kingston mission. Meanwhile, as you get into Sterile Canyon and beyond, the elements needed will start reflecting the type of Descendant players will naturally have access to at that point. These can include fire, chill, and electricity effects. The deeper into the Operations you go, you’ll find toxic void fragments, and other such effects for the other characters. You can get an idea of what Descendant destroys which type of Void Fragment using our table below.

Void Fragment TypeDescendants
Non AttributeAjax, Jayber, Gley, Valby, Kyle, Enzo, Yujin
FireLepic, Blair, Esiemo
ElectricSharen, Bunny

The best way to find out the element Void Fragment is to look for the orange swirly icon on the map. You can click on the objective, and it will tell you what status type is needed. This is to help you determine if you have a character on that map that can break those fragments. If you do, go to one of the camps on that map, then change the descendant to match the type required to destroy the Void Fragments. 

Map of the Void Fragment Missions in The First Descendant.
Open the world map and select a Destroy Void Fragment mission to work out what Descendant type you need. Image captured via VideoGamer,

When you approach a Fragment with the right elemental skill type, you will need to damage with the skill. Note that each Void Fragment has three phases before it can be destroyed.  Each phase is indicated by a chunk of health. Lowering the active chunk of health will make it temporarily immune. From there, waves of enemies spawn in. Once the number of hostiles are defeated, you will find that the Void Fragemnt’s next health bar can be destroyed. Once all three health bars are destroyed, you will earn rewards based on the rewards list, these are typically chances at weapons, mods, and reactors, and are guaranteed to get void shards.

Now, you should play as a Descendant with the same elemental type as the Void Rift to get all the rewards. If not, you’ll get all the other rewards except for the Void Shards resource. If you do have a character that can get all rewards, feel free to switch characters at the camp.

Destroying Void Fragments with a Descendant with the same Elemental Type will award you Void Shards. Image capture via Video Gamer.

How to get Void Shards in The First Descendant

There are a few ways to get your hands on Void Shards in The First Descendant:

  1. Defeat Void Intercept Missions
  2. Destroy Void Fragments with the matching elemental type.

When you destroy a Void Fragment, 0plying as Descendnat with the same elemental type guarantees you get Void Shards.  Each area of the map tends to drop the same Void Shards, with some more weighted to specific Shard types. We recommend farming different areas to get an idea of what areas give you the most of each specific type. Sadly, we can’t help you out with a proper in-depth guide to what fragments drop from each Void Fragment. We too are blocked due to progression speed and we’re locked out of certain elemental status effects ourselves. 

All we know is each operation area on the world map tends to focus on a fragment, with SterILe Lands largely dropping Monomer followed by Inorganic. So, it’s safe to presume other areas will offer more void shard types for their Void fragment missions.

You can also get them by completing various Void Interceptor Missions. Check each mission for the Void Interceptor NPC in Albion. You can work out which missions and difficulty award the amount and types of Void Shards.

When you collect Void Shards, you can then spend them on the Void Fusion Reactor missions. These missions are marked with an orange circle icon on the operation map. Each objective will tell you how many of each fragment you need to activate the mission to farm its rewards. You’ll want to farm Void Fusion Reactor missions, as they have very low, but incredibly powerful mod drops available. They drop alongside a guaranteed way to farm resources associated with that area for your research funds.

This concludes all there is to know about the Void Fragments and Shards feature in the First Descendant. You now know how to destroy Void Fragments, how to collect shards, and how to farm some of the most rare mods in the game.

About the Author

Craig Robinson

Craig is a Guides Writer for VideoGamer. He is a big-time MMO fan, with interests in competitive games like League of Legends, and Rainbow Six Siege. When he’s not sweating games, you can find him get

The First Descendant

  • Release Date: 2nd July 2024
  • Platform(s): PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X
  • Genre(s): Unknown