Fortnite players demand a future crossover with Shrek

Fortnite players demand a future crossover with Shrek
Nico Vergara Updated on by

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Years after initially being released with only a humble selection of usable skins, the Fortnite universe is now littered with a plethora of recognizable mainstream icons due to the large number of crossovers that developer Epic Games has introduced all through the game’s life span. But it seems that the loyal player base still isn’t quite satisfied with the wide array of cosmetics on offer as some are now demanding the developers to introduce a Shrek collaboration into the battle royale.

Even though the DreamWorks series centering on the crass, yet subtly gentle green ogre was first released more than 20 years ago, Shrek has remained an important part of the modern pop culture zeitgeist mainly because of each film’s hilarious script and the memorable cast of characters that are present throughout. After all, what other fairy tale-themed film franchise sees a donkey and a dragon procreating to make hybrid, fire-breathing babies?

With green ogre fever now having taken hold of the Fortnite fan base, some have predictably taken to ever-popular social media site Reddit to gauge the community’s desire for a Shrek-themed crossover. One user named Lobsterman0 even created a post showcasing how the hypothetical collaboration would look like if it ever made its way into the game’s item shop.

Some commenters were naturally impressed at the post creator’s effort with one user saying: “If [Epic Games] did this, I would have no money left.” Some responders, on the other hand, ended up poking fun at the graphic that was used for Donkey because it showed an image of an actual donkey instead of the recognizable movie mammal that was played by Eddie Murphy.

Now, even though this is only a theoretical presentation of a Fortnite and Shrek crossover, it wouldn’t exactly be surprising if it does end up happening in the future since Epic Games has already brought in several other pop culture characters into the battle royale. But with the latest in-game chapter having only just begun, you may have to remain patient for a little while until the territorial ogre makes his way into the game.

While you wait, check out our guides on all Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 weapons, Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 battle pass and skins, and how to ride raptors in Fortnite in the meantime.