Who are The Seven in Fortnite? Each member explained

Who are The Seven in Fortnite? Each member explained
Talal Musa Updated on by

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Ever wanted to know who The Seven are in Fortnite? Then look no further – you’re about to find out all about them.

The Seven serve the storyline by waging war against the Imagined Order (IO) in hopes of freeing Zero Point. All these things revolve around the lore surrounding the mysterious group, and you can find out everything you should know about them in this article.

Who Are The Seven

As the name suggests, the Seven is a group of, well, seven people. The developers, Epic Games, have been dropping hints about them as early as Season Three.

All of The Seven characters have had their skins released throughout the past five years. This group of vigilantes has had a constant tussle against the Imagined Order, and the Fortnite storyline revolves around the war between these two groups. 

What Is The Purpose Of The Seven

Summarising a plot spanning 5+ years, the Seven are liberators, sworn to free Zero Point from the hands of the IO. They try to break the Loop created by the Imagined Order, which makes everyone fight each other, forget everything after 22 minutes and then repeat. 

The Zero Point And The War For Reality

This starts the war for reality when the Seven turn off the Gyro-system, flipping the island. The Seven had to regroup and bring back the Paradigm while the IO caused earthquakes throughout the map. 

Geno, the leader of the IO, was the typical evil scientist who wanted to control society by controlling the different realities of Zero Point. However, he is killed in Chapter 3 by his own daughter, The Imagined, who jumps into Zero Point, taking Geno with her.

Members Of The Seven

The Seven wear sealed environmental suits to protect themselves from the effects of the loop so they can enter or leave the loop anytime.

Let’s check out what we know about each of the Seven:

  1. The Visitor

The Visitor was the first of the group to be released in the game. Reportedly, he was the first one who arrived at The Seven, who, shortly after arriving, stole a rocket from the IO facility and fled.

This caused a great rift to form in the sky, which allowed people from other universes to enter the Zero universe (the universe of Fortnite where we play).

He was responsible for the destruction of Dusty Divot and the ‘hop rocks’ that were added to the game. At the end of Season Four, Fortnite had one of its first live events where the Visitor escaped using a rocket he’d built.

  1. The Scientist

The next one to drop was The Scientist, who is a technological genius and was released in Season X of Fortnite. He harnessed the power of the rifts, which were added to the game back in Season 5.

The Visitor supposedly used these rifts to escape, which the Scientist figured out how to manipulate while making his Rift Beacons.

  1. The Paradigm

The pilot of The Seven, the Paradigm, is initially seen as a traitor by The Seven as she helps the IO protect the Zero Point from the Devourer by killing it with the Mecha armor and destroying the collider.

However, she is welcomed back when The Scientist feels her skills are needed for the inevitable war.

Little else is known about the Paradigm besides her appearances in the cinematics. This just adds to her shadowy personality. Maybe we’ll get to know more about her in the future. 

  1. The Foundation

Released in Chapter 3:Season 1, The Foundation is the leader of the Seven, played by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.

The Foundation is the most prominent member of The Seven and is responsible for stopping the IO. The free-thinking android embarked on a dangerous adventure to release the Zero point while trying to unite the Seven, and with the help of John Jones (former part of the IO), he defeats Geno the evil scientist. 

It’s a good thing John Jones summoned the Foundation for help. It was none other than the Foundation that protected the island in the Zero crisis finale event when he sealed himself with the unstable Zero Point. 

Note: Not to mention the Foundation is voiced by Dwayne the rock Johnson and we must never speak of him without revisiting ‘the look’…

  1. The Order

The Order was released in Chapter 3: Season 2. She makes appearances in the Fortnite X Marvel crossover event during the battle over Zero Point. All we know about her for now is she’s one of the sisters of The Imagined and the daughter of Geno, the leader of the power-hungry IO. 

  1. The Imagined

The Orders’ twin sister, The Imagined, was released alongside her sibling as a member of The Seven and was placed under suspicion for having ulterior motives. She also plays an integral role in the battle over Zero Point before disappearing alongside her sister and crewmates in Chapter 3:Season 3.

  1. The Origin

Also released in Chapter 3: Season 2, The Origin had left his traces as early as Season 5, when Fortnite released the giant cube onto the map. He first appeared as the Cube King before being revealed as a part of the Seven once he hung up his crown.

Final Thoughts

Fortnite’s intricate lore has always been a fascinating aspect of the game. How they’ve managed to stick to their script and make a story out of the marvelous cosmetics they release into the game has added tremendous quality to the player’s experience.