Our pick of games that could show up in the Steam Summer Sale this year

Our pick of games that could show up in the Steam Summer Sale this year
Amaar Chowdhury Updated on by

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The Steam Summer Sale gives me the most choice paralysis out of every gaming event of the year. I’m fine covering fast-paced game reveals and publishing – mostly – grammatically correct breaking news stories, but put hundreds of games in-front of me, each with a sizable discount applied, and I’m as useless as a screen door on a submarine.

There’s so many games potentially hitting this year’s sale, and with only a few confirmed ahead of the start time, it’s a tough nut to figure out which ones you should gear up to buy this year.

Steam Summer Sale predicted games list

As part of this year’s Steam Summer Sale, we’re predicting that a few of the biggest games we’ll see this year are going to attract a large audience.

Elden Ring

With the hype that Elden Ring is seeing right now, I’ve got to expect that we’ll see it discounted. It’s been on sale before, seeing lows of £29.99 / $35.99, which will net you savings of over 40%. The Shadow of the Erdtree expansion is all everyone’s talking about, and I know I’m pretty glad to be writing about something else for a change – oh, wait.

It’s unlikely that the expansion will see a price reduction so soon into its life cycle, though lowering the price of the base game would be a fantastic way for From Software to see their game sales shoot up from the 25m mark they hit earlier this month.

Similarly, a 75% discount on the Dark Souls bundle would not go unappreciated.

Red Dead Redemption 2

You don’t often see any sale without RDR2 being discounted. There’s not much to say about this one – this is just the way the world works.

Street Fighter 6

Capcom have seen bounds of success this year. One of the reasons behind that is SF6, its most popular live-service title at the moment. I’m only writing this article up a few days after the launch of the latest patch, and it’s certainly looking promising since it’s been just under a year since its initial release now.

Previous sales have seen SF6 cut in price by 50%, so it’s definitely not a freak occurrence to see it go so low.

Baldur’s Gate 3

With Larian only having released its record breaking title towards the tail end of last year, there’s not really been a chance to pick it up at a discounted price. Having only seen lows of 15% discounts at the best of times, we think this year will see the Dungeons and Dragons game drop to a 25% discount for a short period. The game has been on a steady decline, dropping from 300,000 players to just below 100,000 at the start of this month, although that’s hardly anything for Larian to feel hard-done by.

Slay the Spire

Slay the Spire is perhaps one of the most important games in recent years. It has breathed life into the deck-builder genre, and gone on to encourage it as one of the most saturated types of games for indie developers. Part of that is thanks to the somehow increasing player-base. The all-time player count peak was shortly after it launched, at 30,000, and six years on from that, we’ve seen it hit that number once again. Slay the Spire has dropped in price by 75% at its lowest price, and if you don’t already own it, Steam Summer Sale will be a good chance to pick it up finally.

Steam Deck OLED

So, the lowest storage iterations of the Steam Deck were hitched on sale with a 15% discount, and they sold out within seven minutes. There is a chance that the OLED models see a discount, though it’s not been long since they released.

Helldivers 2

This year’s breakout success has to be Helldivers 2, and with player counts falling each day, Arrowhead and Valve would be fools not to take advantage of this period for the sale.

There’s a new category in the Summer Sale now – Deep Discounts. While it’s not yet confirmed what exactly this is going to be, there’s a strong chance that it will allow people to browse games seeing their lowest ever prices, and that sounds pretty enticing.