Gearbox has no time to make Heat game

Gearbox has no time to make Heat game
James Orry Updated on by

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Back in 2006 Gearbox Software announced they were making a game based on Michael Mann’s classic Heat.

Now, years later, we’re no closer to seeing anything on the game. That’s because Gearbox hasn’t had any time to get the project started.

“In a nutshell, we’re nowhere,” Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford told GameSpot. “We have passionate game makers that would love to do it. We’ve got filmmakers that think it’s a great idea that would love to see it done. We have publishing partners that would love to publish it. But we have no time. That’s the limiting factor.

“Because of the situation, we’re not keeping the IP locked down any more. So if somebody else were in a spot where they could do it, and everybody was comfortable with that, then conceivably that could happen.”

There’s still hope we’ll see a Heat game then.

Which development studio would you like to see take on the Heat license? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.