New Helldivers 2 Major Order tasks players with defending the Memorial of Malevelon Creek

New Helldivers 2 Major Order tasks players with defending the Memorial of Malevelon Creek
David Coulson Updated on by

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The Helldivers 2 community has been on a roll recently, with Super Earth successfully completing most of the recent Major Orders. After spending some time fighting back the Terminid army, it is now time to turn our attention back to the Automatons as the robot army looks to take over the Xzar Sector and threaten Malevelon Creek.

Helldivers 2 Major Order Success June 24 2024
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Upon loading the game, Super Earth congratulated the Helldivers on the success of the latest Major Order saying,

“The Helldivers have successfully achieved a significant reduction in Terminid population levels, proving the efficacy of targeting Terminid Nurseries directly. Many once-infested planets are now ready for our citizens to settle. This is the first step towards Terminid containment and the long-lasting prosperity it will bring our citizens.”

Helldivers 2 Major Order Briefing June 24 2024
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The next Major Order was then announced, which will see players defend five planets in the Xzar Sector saying,

“The Automatons have been making incursions into the Xzar Sector, invading the same territory we liberated from their initial vanguard. If successful, they could re-activate their defunct factories and defile the Memorial of Malevlon Creek. Whatever their aims, they must be stopped.”

Helldivers 2 Major Order Status June 24 2024
Image captured by VideoGamer

It didn’t take long for players to completely liberate the Xzar Sector, with all five planets now being 100% under the control of Super Earth. But, players shouldn’t rest on their laurels as it is possible that the robot army could mount an offensive against the Helldivers and begin to take back control.

Helldivers 2 Major Order June 24 2024 Twinbeard Discord Update
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Twinbeard, the Helldivers 2 Community Manager, took to Discord to announce the latest Major Order saying,

“Past Friday night the Helldivers wrapped up Major Order operations in the Draco and Mirin sectors after having successfully culled fledging Terminid nurseries using the new Hive Breaker Drill. Preliminary results are promising, with the only drawback being an elevated (but completely unharmful!) degree of Terminid spores having been measured around the most heavily hit planets. The fascist bugs could not withstand direct conflict with Helldiver wielded Liberty, so they instead spread desperate attacks to the north into the Falstaff sector, and to the east into the Jin Xi sector. Fiery Justice will claim those eventually, but an old familiar threat once again rears its metallic head: The Automatons are pushing for their old vanguard sectors.

In what appears to be an attempt to reclaim Malevelon Creek and adjacent systems, the Automatons are making a concerted effort to push south. Their old factories cannot be allowed to fall into the robotic hands of the automaton menace. But more importantly, the Memorial of Malevelon Creek cannot be allowed to be defiled given the great cost by which we claimed it. We must hold the Xzar sector to prevent the bots from establishing a foothold. Go forth and Spill Oil!”

Helldivers 2 Major Order Helldivers IO Status
Image captured by VideoGamer

According to, based on the current liberation contributions, the five planets should remain under the control of Super Earth for the remainder of the Major Order, with the Automatons regenerating at just 1% compared to the total Super Earth contributions of 8.83%. It is possible that we may see one of the planets slip but it could be easily regained if that is the case.

With the Galactic War heating up, and with The Illuminate looming somewhere in the galaxy, now is a great time to optimize your loadout, especially with the new Viper Commandos Warbond being recently released. To help you with your fight against the Automatons and Terminids, we highly recommend checking out our Helldivers 2 best weapons guide and best armor guide.

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