Supervive release window predictions for the 40-player League of Legends killer

Supervive release window predictions for the 40-player League of Legends killer
Amaar Chowdhury Updated on by

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Supervive is the League of Legends and DOTA killer we’ve all been waiting for, and with the former Riot devs working on it, it’s certainly on the cards. Here’s everything we know about a potential release date, any side details, and as much you need to know about the game as possible.

When do we think Supervive’s release date might be?

So, the playtest for Supervive begins on June 27th, though this is not its official release date. Before we eventually do see a mainstream launch, expect a few more betas and testing periods as the developers tune the game up.

Image via Theorycraft.

The game has been in development for a long while now. Formerly Project Loki, Theorycraft had revealed the game 11 months ago, before finally fixing it up with its new name – one that I’m not really sure about, really. Still, this is hardly a game announcement teaser, but more a hard announcement. Supervive is here, and it’s pretty close. With playtests and betas still to go, and the devs confirming a “late 2024” launch for the open beta (thanks Rolling Stone), we’d imagine early 2025, maybe even Q2, will see the official release for Supervive.

Gameplay and features, explained

Supervive is a top-down MOBA, and while it’s going to be endless compared to League of Legends, it ventures into a new gameplay direction somewhat akin to Battle Royales and brawl fighter games. It’s a squad hero game with up to 40-different players skirmishing on the same map, while unique Hunters will compose each team. There is both PvP and PvE combat in each battle, while there are going to be ten teams of four in each game. Objectives will include territorial control – capture this, defend that – and wiping out other squads.

The most radical difference in Supervive is the movement. Where typical MOBAs opt for point-and-click, Supervive opts for WASD movement instead. What does this mean for you? There will be a bigger real-time emphasis with this game compared to others, and Fortnite-esque glider traversal is going to play a bit part in this.

Gameplay might be hectic at times, but the core concepts are pretty simple. Bounce around and fight. Thanks to the day and night cycles of each map, you will always be encountering dynamic monsters that respond to the environment.