The Finals fans agree Embark went too far with weapon nerf

The Finals fans agree Embark went too far with weapon nerf
Callum Smith Updated on by

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The Finals Season 3 has been mostly well received, aside from the biggest complaint of removing Cashout from Ranked in favor of Terminal Attack. Fans were also unhappy with the LH1 and Sonar, but, thankfully, this weapon and gadget recently received necessary nerfs. While fans are happy with these two nerfs, many in The Finals community agree that Embark went too far with a nerf for the CL-40.

Make sure to check out the update 3.1.0 patch notes to see all of the balance changes from Embark. While Terminal Attack is still the defacto mode from Ranked, the good news is that Embark has fixed the biggest problem for new players. Not only that, but, in their explanation as to why Cashout has been removed from Ranked, Embark has suggested that the mode will return from World Tour sometime in the future.

While fans are happy that Embark listened to the community by providing nerfs for the LH1 and Sonar, some in The Finals community feel that Embark did the CL-40 dirty at the beginning of Season 3.

The Finals fans agree CL-40 nerfs went too far

The CL-40 was nerfed in update 3.0.0 for The Finals Season 3. Below are the balance changes mentioned in the patch notes:

  • Decreased damage from 110 to 93
  • Increased fire rate from 250 RPM to 275 RPM
  • Decreased pump-action duration from 0.7s to 0.65s
  • Decreased self-damage multiplier from 1 to 0.75, reducing how much damage the grenades do to the player using them

Since this nerf, there have been complaints online from the community. On Reddit, user Knooper_Bunny has shared gameplay showing that the “new CL-40 nerf is brutal“.

You can check out the gameplay clip in the embedded Reddit post below. The clip shows the OP struggling to kill an opponent with the CL-40 despite landing several hits.

In the comments, the OP said, “5 shots connected. 2 were splash, 3 were direct impact. You are allowed to criticize my aim, but saying I “wouldn’t have gotten close” is just disingenuous. I absolutely would have won this scenario pre-nerf.” This is a sentiment the comments agree with through responses such as, “I play a good amount of cl-40 and it would’ve killed on the last shot that did damage. They went a lil too far and making it shoot faster doesn’t help much at all”.

Another said, “They keep nerfing it and idk why. It’s a grenade launcher. It’s supposed to do an absurd amount of damage so they have to balance around other guns but it’s not even a balance anymore.”

A lot of comments blame the poor weapon balancing on Terminal Attack. One comment says, “This is why we can’t balance around TA it makes the rest of the game not function well,” to which a user replied, “This is why it’s #RemoveTA not just #BringBackRankedCashout. The game mode is either unbalanced or f**ks with the rest of the entire game”.

More comments said, “I don’t get why they nerfed it. Literally nobody complained about it,” to which another user blamed Terminal Attack, saying, “Terminal Attack, no other reason. For example they didn’t want a gun that could 2 shot lights without needing much accuracy in that mode”.

Unfortunately, Terminal Attack is not going away from Ranked anytime soon, so for the here and now we’re stuck with it. Season 3 has been absolutely amazing with the new map in Japan coupled with the new Japanese-themed weapons, but Terminal Attack has, sadly, been a significant blight.

For more The Finals, check out our guide to the best weapons in the game ranked, and we also have a guide to the best gadgets. In addition, we have a guide to the best FPS settings to help you win matches along with a ranking of the best classes in the game.