The Finals fans agree Terminal Rush mode idea is much better than Terminal Attack

The Finals fans agree Terminal Rush mode idea is much better than Terminal Attack
Callum Smith Updated on by

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The Finals Season 3 has been a lot of fun, but almost every player has had the same complaint about Terminal Attack. Players are not particularly happy with the mode and its changes, especially with it replacing Cashout in Ranked. While sharing dissatisfaction with the mode is common, one fan has shared the idea of a Terminal Rush mode that many fans of The Finals agree is better than the current implementation of Terminal Attack.

While Terminal Attack remains the defacto mode for Ranked, the good news is that Embark has listened to the community by fixing the biggest problem for new players. Not only that, but, in explaining why Cashout has been removed from Ranked, Embark has implied that it will return from World Tour in the future.

Terminal Attack has been the biggest source of discontent since the beginning of Season 3, and, while some players wish it would simply go away, one fan has shared suggestions for how the mode could be improved and transformed into Terminal Rush.

The Finals fan shares Terminal Rush mode idea

On The Finals’ subreddit, a pitch has been shared for a Terminal Rush mode. The pitch is conceived by user TehANTARES, and it proposes the following changes and ideas:

  • Victory: Team with the most successful hacks
  • Length: Two matches
  • Second match: Teams swap their roles, destruction resets
  • Players: 5 per team
  • Defenders: Prevent attackers from successfully hacking terminals
  • Defenders respawn credits: Unlimited
  • Attackers: Hack a terminal in each zone using a decryption key
  • Attackers respawn credits: 1 starting coin, 1 coin added in every new zone
  • Match end: Time limit runs out OR attackers win all zones
  • Successfully hacking a terminal unlocks the next zone and resets the time limit
  • Decryption key respawns after unsuccessful hack
  • Overtime possible in each zone if hacking is in progress

As of writing, this Terminal Rush mode pitch currently has over 300 upvotes from the community. And, judging by the replies, fans agree that it is better than the Terminal Attack currently imposed.

Many of the comments echo the sentiment, “I would absolutely play this over Terminal Attack,” with fans also encouraging the OP to share the idea to The Finals’ Discord so there’s more of a chance the developers see and possibly consider the idea.

For more The Finals, check out our guide to the best weapons in the game ranked, and we also have a guide to the best gadgets. In addition, we have a guide to the best FPS settings to help you win matches along with a ranking of the best classes in the game.