The Finals fan shares most powerful slept on gun in Season 3

The Finals fan shares most powerful slept on gun in Season 3
Callum Smith Updated on by

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As with every multiplayer shooter that exists, the most contentious point with The Finals on a daily basis is its weapons. Fans either feel weapons are too powerful or too weak, for which Embark tries to fix through balance changes in weekly updates. It remains to be seen what balance changes Embark will deliver next, but, before then, a fan has shared the most powerful weapon in The Finals Season 3 that fans are sleeping on.

Make sure to check out the update 3.1.0 patch notes to see all of the most recent balance changes from Embark. Fans are happy that Embark has fixed the biggest problem for new players, and they are also happy with the recent nerfs for the Sonar and LH1, but many fans feel Embark went too far with nerfs for the CL-40 at the beginning of Season 3.

While the CL-40 is too weak and unreliable right now, The Finals community may wish to try using the SH1900.

The Finals fans are sleeping on the SH1900

The Finals YouTuber, swampfomp, has created a video discussing the powerful SH1900 and how it’s arguably the most slept on weapon in Season 3. This is a sawed-off shotgun available for the Light class which probably explains why it’s so underappreciated as Light is the weakest class in the game.

However, if you do use the Light class, the SH1900 is the perfect weapon to use. Per YouTuber, swampfomp, it kills other Light players in one-shot, and it is also capable of killing Medium and Heavy players in as little as two shots.

It only has two bullets, so you do need to reload a lot, but the reload speed is relatively fast. It’s a weapon capable of punishing all enemies, but it’s also capable of punishing the player if it isn’t used accurately and wisely.

The weapon is best used in PowerShift or Terminal Attack where there are a lot more Light players, but it can also be effective against Medium and Heavy players in Cashout for World Tour. Embark had previously nerfed the weapon, but its damage was restored with the following balance changes in the 3.0.0 patch notes:

  • Increased damage from 10 to 13 per pellet
  • Decreased fire rate from 100 RPM to 80 RPM
  • Increased the size of the pellet dispersion pattern, making the weapon less accurate at range
    Dev Note: We’ve wanted for a while to make the SH1900 more effective against Heavies without making it oppressive for Lights. With higher pellet dispersion the SH1900 is now optimized for very close range only, which has allowed us to buff the damage, hopefully making Heavies easier to kill. This is a change we will be monitoring closely to measure its impact

It remains to be seen if the SH1900 will be nerfed again, but hopefully it won’t as it feels good right now. The weapon is capable of one-shotting lights, as well as killing Medium and Heavy players in two-shots, but it needs to be reloaded regularly, its fire rate was decreased, and it is less accurate from far away.

For more The Finals, check out our guide to the best weapons in the game ranked, and we also have a guide to the best gadgets. In addition, we have a guide to the best FPS settings to help you win matches along with a ranking of the best classes in the game.