The Finals players say the game isn’t beginner friendly

The Finals players say the game isn’t beginner friendly
David Coulson Updated on by

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The Finals recently entered Season 3 and thousands of players are still jumping in each day to play what has been called by some as a “breath of fresh air” in the FPS genre. But, some newer players are having a difficult time getting to grips with the game due to the established metas of The Finals Season 3, and if that sounds like you then you might relate to this and also find some tips to help get you on the right path.

The Finals multiplayer gameplay
Image via Embark Studios

U/Aware_Strength_803 took to Reddit to detail the first time they got their brother to play The Finals and the experience that they had as a duo.

World Tour

Explained the mode to him, and recommended him some loadouts. Ok great let’s play!

Welcome to the game! Woops the the HHM meta team wiped you before you could even shoot back! Woops your teammate is a light, gg because they ran in alone died, spent all their credits, and quit! Have fun with your 2v3 battles!


Brought my healing beam, defibrillator, and jump pad to make things easier and fun for him. Boy was I wrong.

Have fun spinning in circles wondering where you’re getting sniped from the whole game!

Terminal Attack

(lol I love my brother, no way I’m going to torture him with this game mode)

This game needs some SBMM, ranked, something! It’s an awful experience for new players, they really need to be paired together to learn (or give the sweats a place to sweat!).

And snipers just make everything worse.”

Other players were quick to jump in with their own advice to help the brother on his path to victory, with U/Grand_Neck8781 saying,

“Honestly after playing some Quick Cash, once you unlock Bank It, I’d highly recommend starting your brother there as no one cares too much about the objective and respawns are the fastest out of all the game modes. And if you do decide to play objective, it’s very beginner friendly It’s just you, your team, the money you pick up from killing players/opening vaults and depositing it all into a cashout, you can’t lose money since there’s no “stealing” so it’s a big race towards $40,000. I personally love it whenever I decide to do challenges, play for kills, or even just try out new loadouts/play styles.”

I recently tried out The Finals at the start of Season 2 and also found it to not be very beginner-friendly. This is likely due to many of the metas already being established early on in the game’s lifecycle. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t catch up and dominate your opponents. To get you started, we highly recommend checking out our The Finals Best Light Build Guide, Best Medium Build Guide, and Best Heavy Build Guide so you can find the build that suits your play style.

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