The First Descendant players share their day-one thoughts and whether the game is worth playing

The First Descendant players share their day-one thoughts and whether the game is worth playing
David Coulson Updated on by

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The First Descendant is finally here and despite a rocky start with some server issues, it has proven to be popular so far with it reaching the top 5 most played game on Steam today. With day one drawing to a close, players have been able to reflect on their experience and whether it is a game that they want to keep playing.

Picture of a party playing The First Descendant together in a coop setting.
Image via Nexon Games

U/dantecm took to Reddit to ask other players what they think of the game as day one draws to a close. Overall, the response to The First Descendant looks fairly positive, with a few comparing it to Warframe and Destiny, with u/ZombieHellDog saying “I don’t love it. But I don’t hate it either. My main gripe is that it’s literally ripped the core from Warframe. Drone escort mission that drains shields to move it etc. So it feels like Warframe with Outriders gameplay style but for me, Warframe still does it better.”

However, many have been enjoying the game, including u/FitSeaweed1651 who said “I’m loving it, I like having this game as well as Destiny 2 to play. Game has some cool boss fights feels a bit like Dragon’s Dogma.” U/Bar_Har has been enjoying it on their Steam Deck, which is great news for handheld gamers, with them saying “I’ve only had about 30 minutes in it on my Steam Deck. Enjoying it so far. They make the main story quests easy to find and get out of the way. Shooting feels good, when aiming with a sniper rifle some enemies will really annoyingly side step your crosshair constantly. Generally feel good about my choice starting with Viessa, and not just for the boobage.”

U/those_pixels seems to be finding it a welcomed change after growing tired of Helldivers 2 saying “The direct comparison is naturally going to be Destiny/Warframe which I don’t mind. The world, character animations and general aesthetic are pretty stunning tbh. No complaints thus far, I think this will be my new go to having exhausted Helldivers 2 for all of its worth.”

Not everyone has been enjoying it though, with u/Exciting-Rise-1666 saying that they “didn’t find much joy killing enemies and I think the abilities are underwhelming and feel off. I wish it had something that made it standout.”

But overall, the reception has been positive. It will be interesting to see whether this game can hold player’s attention long-term like Destiny and Warframe can, but that will all depends on future updates and what content is added to the game. If you haven’t checked out The First Descendant yet, it is free to play on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X. To help you get started, we highly recommend checking out our The First Descendant beginner’s tips and tricks guide.