How to make your Twitter account private

How to make your Twitter account private
Rosa Fryer Updated on by

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Social media has many perks and great qualities where you can connect and interact with friends, family and strangers across the world. Twitter especially, allows users to share opinionated thoughts, personal feelings, make political statements and much more. However, for those who are wanting to share those thoughts with a selective group and not for the whole world to see, then there are options. Privacy is important and at the rate of social media’s growth, it’s important to recognise who you’re sharing your information to. Here, we will break down how you can make your Twitter account private with a few simple steps. This way, you can have more control of who is viewing your content.

Let’s get straight into it

How to make you Twitter account private – step-by-step guide

When you make your Twitter account private, followers who already followed you can still see you tweets and interact with your profile. However, new followers will have to be approved by you before they can interact.

How to make your Twitter account private on desktop:

  • Open Twitter, head to your profile
  • Click the Settings and privacy tab
  • Select Account privacy
  • Slide the “Protect my tweets” toggle to “On
  • Enter your password and click “Save changes

How to make your Twitter account private on iOS and Android:

  • Open Twitter
  • Click the Settings icon in the top right corner
  • To view the full settings menu, select the back arrow
  • Click Privacy and safety, then tap Audience and tagging
  • Slide the toggle next to Protect your Tweets then tap Done.

To make sure your twitter account is profile, head to your profile and your Twitter username should have a small padlock icon next to it. When you sign up to Twitter, you are automatically made public so if you want a private account, make sure you do the steps above.