Manor-Lords:Logging Camp

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This page was last edited on 11 June 2024, at 09:28.

A Logging Camp is a Gathering building used to produce Timber.

Logging Camp details

How to use a Logging Camp

The Logging Camp is used to produce Timbers and it's best to place this near a forest, as Trees are required to make Timbers. Build a Forester's Hut nearby and this will replenish the Trees that have been chopped down.

You will then want to build a Sawpit nearby to convert the excess Timber into Planks. These can also be used to make Wooden Parts, which can be turned into Spears, Polearms, and more.

Assign Villagers

You can assign Villagers to the Logging Camp and they will cut down trees from nearby forests. The assigned Villagers won't be able to carry Timber back, so to improve efficiency, assign an Oxen to do some of the heavy lifting. This can be done via the 'Advanced' tab.

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