Manor-Lords:Pack Station

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This page was last edited on 11 June 2024, at 10:21.

The Pack Station is a Logistics buildings used to trade goods with other Regions.

Pack Station details

How to use the Pack Station

Once you have built the Pack Station, you can select which region you would like to trade with and choose which resources you want to send. You can also select which resources you want to get from that region.

You will need to use Mules to transport the goods between regions and each Mule can carry 20 goods per trip. A maximum of one Mule can be bought via the Packing Station per month.

Build a Storehouse and a Granary

For the Pack Station to work, you will need to build a Storehouse and a Granary nearby, these buildings will store your transported goods. You will need the following materials to build each building.

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