Manor-Lords:Unit stances

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This page was last edited on 11 June 2024, at 15:05.

Unit stances are chosen by you and are used to direct your Army in Manor Lords.

There are 11 stances you can use in the game.

  • Stand Your Ground
  • Balanced
  • Run to Positions
  • Friendly Fire
  • Shoot at Will
  • Disband
  • Spread Out
  • Give Ground
  • Missile Alert
  • Push Forward
  • Hold

Stand Your Ground

Standing your ground increases your units' Defense stats x2, but reduces attacking frequency.

While this is advantageous for some groups, such as Spear Militia or Shielded Frontline Units, you will need to make sure that your attacking power is made up elsewhere.


The default stance for all units does exactly what it says on the tin. It won't give you any specific advantages or disadvantages.

This can be good on smaller encounters, but for more challenging foes, you will want to tailor your stances more effectively to ensure victory.

Run to Positions

Let's hope all that Ale hasn't dented your Army's cardio. This stance will have your men hoofing it to your chosen location faster.

This is advantageous when it comes to moving around the battlefield, however, it builds up fatigue fast.

Friendly Fire

A desperate tactic for a heartless Lord! Friendly Fire will have your Archers fire at enemies, despite your own units being in the firing zone.

Nevertheless, desperate times call for desperate measures, making this a good option if the alternative is even greater losses.

Shoot at Will

Weapons free men! Command your Archers to lay down some serious arrow at enemies with increased accuracy at close range.

This can be used to maximize damage and also not miss the opportunity for Backstab damage bonuses.


The party's over boys. Disband sends your Militia and Retinue back to their settlement, so they can get back to work after risking their lives!

Thanks, my Lord!

Spread Out

Sometimes being in formation makes it easier for you to be targeted, especially by Archers. Spreading out can help reduce damage taken if this is happening in battle.

Give Ground

If you want your formation to slowly move back, rather than a full-on run for the hills, you'll want to use this stance.

You will take some damage doing so, but for frontline units, it's a good tactic if you want to draw your opponents into a trap.

Missile Alert

Duck! This stance alerts your formation that a projectile is heading towards them, giving the x2 the chance of blocking or dodging it.

It does mean that their melee defense is reduced, but it's better than an arrow to the knee.

Push Forward

An aggressive, offensive stance will make your formation try to break through the enemy's formation.

Use it carefully and make sure you're using it with your melee units.


This is how you cancel any previous orders, and will make your formation stay in its current position.

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